The Park City Taxi / Washington D.C. Connection

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There is a connection between any Park City taxi and the city of Washington D. C. This connection is obvious and straight forward but it is difficult to explain to a person who has not experienced it directly. It is difficult to explain because the connection is an experiential process and explaining an experience using language is not the same thing as experiencing the thing itself. Sometimes language is the best a person can do to attempt to transfer the information that he or she wishes to transfer. One must come to accept the fact that not 100% of the information will be effectively transferred.


So what exactly is this connection? Whether or not it must be experienced in order to fully understand it we still must do our level best to explain it. Whether or not language can full transfer the understanding of the experience we must do our level best to explain it with the tools that we have at our disposal. Just because some small percentage of understanding has been transferred does not mean that the effort should not be made. Quite the contrary, the effort should absolutely be made because if it has not been made then we shall never progress past square one.

So let us then proceed past square one. Let us attempt to explain the connection using the tool of language that we have and if not all the information has been properly transferred so be it. We shall just have to accept the fact that we live in a world where not everybody fully understands each other. True, this may cause problems but problems are there to be solved. If we do not take the chance in the communication process then it can not be said that we have fully lived our life.