Intro, Body Shop Salt Lake City and Conclusion

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When giving a speech it is generally advisable to structure the speech so that it includes (1) an introduction, (2) a body shop Salt Lake City and (3) a conclusion. Speeches that are structured in this way will generally provide the audience with an easy to follow format. Having an easy to follow format is important so that the audience can understand what the speaker is saying and follow the logical progression of the speech. The introduction of the speech should set forth in a general way what the speech will be about. It should not take too long as the real meat and potatoes of the speech is in the body.


Suppose a speaker decides to give a speech on the subject of body shops that happen to be located in Salt Lake City, Utah. In the introduction the speaker might say something along the lines of, “Today I want to talk to you about body shops that are located in Salt Lake City.” That is all that is needed to set up the speech. From there the speaker can proceed to the body.

The body of the speech should ideally include three points related to the subject. Three possible points for discussion might include (1) What is a body shop and what type of work is performed there, (2) under what circumstances might one require the services of a body shop and (3) how might one find the best body shop to suit his or her particular needs. Each of these points might include three sub points to flesh them out. Of course this will all depend upon the time constraints for the speech. Three points per topic seems to be the best number in terms of making an impact on the audience. After the body of the speech comes the conclusion which is basically a condensed summary of what was covered in the body.