The D. C. / Salt Lake City Nexus

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It is perfectly reasonable for a reader of this blog to ask the question why an article regarding collision repair Salt Lake City is found in a blog entitled D. C. Auto Geek. This is a reasonable question because the District of Columbia (our nation’s capital) is very far away from Salt Lake City. In fact, the distance between the two cities is 2,083 miles according to Google Maps. Moreover it would take a driver approximately thirty one hours to drive the distance assuming he or she remained in compliance with all applicable traffic laws and ordinances. Incidentally (and conveniently), the aforementioned, law abiding driver would use US Route 81 for almost the entire trip.

I (as author of this blog post) will be perfectly honest with you (the reader). The only possible reason why an article pertaining to collision repair Salt Lake City could be found in a blog entitled D. C Auto Geek is that the blog is not intended to be read by an actual person. For you see, gentle reader,  the sole purpose for this blog post to exist are the links embedded within the content. This post serves its purpose so long as it is (1) between three hundred and five hundred words, (2) includes a picture, (3) contains the specific key words (try to guess which words in this post are the keywords!) and (4) contains two links to the website whose content it is my intention to optimize.

But you might then ask me (the author) why I am telling you (the reader) all this information. That would be a good question had you actually asked it. However paradoxically, since you do not exist (at least not in human form) there is no “you” to ask the question. Furthermore, since you do not exist there is no way that you could have read this post thus keeping my search engine optimization strategy a secret. Good day to you.